I’m an integrative biologist interested the ecology and evolution of novel pathogens.

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Biological Sciences Department at California State University, East Bay. My research focuses on an expanding amphibian disease caused by the chytrid fungus Bd. I use genetic sequences of Bd collected from the wild to learn about how new diseases adapt as they spread.

I received my Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Michigan working with Dr. Tim James’ Lab. After my Ph.D., I completed my postdoctoral training at the University of California, Berkeley as a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Dr. Bree Rosenblum’s Lab, and then at the University of California, Davis as a Postdoctoral Research Associate with Dr. Brian Todd’s Lab.

In addition to my research on amphibian chytrid disease, I’ve also worked on population genomics of the Western pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata), evolutionary genetics of the mushroom genus Marasmius, cell imaging projects using fluorescence microscopy/TEM, and a wide range of field studies related to biodiversity and conservation. More details are available on my CV Page